
A therapy full of side benefits

“The feet never lie” - I vividly remember these words from my lecturer … and they ring true always. Your feet tell your Wellness Story

My years of practice have shown me how little attention is given to the humble feet. My reflex roller is my favourite companion in my yoga space, reminding me to either start or end my session with a reflex stimulation. I even travel with it. There are some things that should be an absolute must.

Why Reflexology?

Our bodies should enjoy a natural state of balance, at all times. This is called homeostasis. It has the inherent ability to heal, repair and correct itself. This healing potential is often blocked or suppressed because of our many faulty, persistent lifestyle habits leading to dis- eases and eventually disease like cancer.

Reflexology is a safe, natural, holistic complementary science and art, that helps restore the balance (homeostasis) in the body and nudge the body into healing itself.

Who can benefit from Reflexology? Anyone. Everyone. Any age .Certain conditions require caution or may be contraindicated.

Reflexology is based on the understanding that the foot has a miniature map of the entire the body. The foot contains around 7,200 nerve endings that convey messages to the brain via ganglia and the spinal cord. There are zones and reflexes on the feet,(also found in hands and ear) which correspond via nerve pathways to every cell, gland and organ of the entire human body.

There are also meridians or energy channels that flow through the feet, which when stimulated, can have a profound effect on the functioning of the body.

Therapeutic pressure and specific techniques applied to the reflexes on the feet, influence physiological changes within the body, and promote a deep sense of relaxation.

Pressure may also break up crystal deposits which may interfere with the natural flow of the body’s energy.

“Honour thy humble feet. Step onto the path of wellness”

I love using the foot, for the reflexology, because it appears to be the most neglected part of our bodies. Your feet grounds and connects you with the incredible energy of Mother Earth and should be given the most amount of reverence.

To honor thy humble feet is to honour the gift of wellbeing.