Our Aromatherapy Journey

“Wellbeing by Design” is not just words strung together.

As a family we firmly believe that we have to embrace this phrase with heart and soul, enjoying a journey into health and wellness rather than illness and diseases.

We have been blending oils for our own use since 2002. The benefits that we have enjoyed has strengthened our commitment is to live more consciously and naturally.

This means being aware of what we put into and onto your bodies, and what we share with our family and patients.



Essential oils are natures miracle in a bottle. Beautiful extracts from flowers, leaves, seeds, roots stems, bark. Whether it’s floral, citrus, spicy or herbaceous, these oils can come together and feed the senses, the mind, and the soul.


I use them during my yoga sessions, cleaning and cleansing the home and work space, at breathwork sessions, on my patients, during reflexology sessions… we simply cannot do without these blissful, therapeutic oils.

Our essential oil blends contain the best that Mother Nature has provided and help support a healthy body, mind and spirit. We love the compatibility and versatility of synergistic blends of oils. These natural oils are easily absorbed through the skin or through inhalation via the olfactory receptors and the limbic system.

They have a powerful therapeutic effect on us mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually. They are safe and effective when blended correctly and used in the right way.

Our oils are well sourced and we support our local South African market.

Blends can be tailor made just for you and your needs. So feel free to connect with us, share your concerns and share your favourite oils. Let’s work together to bring you blends that help you and your family feel better.


Our favourite must have blends:

Immune Support

Our immune support blend was born at the start of the pandemic. This has been our biggest seller and is a definite go to when you are battling nasal congestion and a persistent cough. its a versatile blend to support the immune and respiratory systems. This is a neat blend of 5 essential oils, with antiviral/ antibacterial/antiseptic/anti-inflammatory properties. The addition of lavender soothes and relaxes as well.

This blend can be used in diffusers/burners, for steam inhalation, for massage(must be diluted in a carrier oil)

Essential oils: Clove bud, Naiouli, Lemon, Tea Tree, Lavender.

Essence of Sleep

A good nights sleep is deeply restorative vital to your health and wellbeing and a definite stress buster.

We have 2 blends that promote a good nights sleep and balance the nervous system. Team these soothing blends with a warm shower and a soothing herbal drink of nutmeg, almonds, dates for a deeply restorative sleep.

Essence of Sleep: A perfect blend to soothe away the tension, relax a restless mind, and enjoy a deeper sleep. This comes in a lovely 10 ml roller ball blend that can be easily applied to pulse points.

Essential oils: Lavender, Chamomile Roman, Neroli.

Carrier oil: Sweet almond

Essence of Calm

A lovely blend to soothe away the stress, anxiety, and tension. These oils are known to calm the nervous system.

Essential oils : Lavender. Geranium. Neroli. Ylang Ylang.

Carrier Oils: Sweet Almond. Grapeseed.

Essence of Ease

This warming blend will ease the tightness, inflammation and pain in muscles and joints.

Team up this blend with a hot pack for 20 min., the right kind of exercise and an anti-inflammatory diet.

Essential oils: Lavender. Clove. Lemon. Eucalyptus Smithii. Black Pepper.

Carrier Oils : Sweet Almond. Grapeseed. Aloe.

*Enquire about our facial range

The safe and guided use of essential oils is advocated at all times.


  • Consult your health care practitioner prior to using any of our products.

  • Essential oils are not to be ingested.

  • Keep away from children.

  • A skin patch test must be done prior to using any of our products.

  • Avoid during pregnancy.

  • Please take note of all precautions on our products.